July 29, 2012

not goodbye

I wouldn't have made it this past year at this school, in this country, without my friend Victoria.  We became pretty close over the past 10 months, and have been through a lot! She is quite the inspiration, she lived in Thailand for six years, married a really great guy and has been a big influence on countless children. She has common sense, is thoughtful, over thinks everything, has a great big heart, loves to have informed debates, can hold her booze and is a fabulous dancer.  She is a great teacher, a super fun lady and a really awesome friend. Won't be the same in the burbs without her.

This is for you.... fucking rock and roll, this girl!

Best of Luck in Canada and with school. This is not goodbye, this is just see ya later! (When we do some camping in the great white north... maybe I'll have to add a loony stamp to my passport after all. Just for you.)

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